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Glove and Ball


New Skills to Teach

  • Cut-offs

  • Lead-offs when the ball leaves the pitcher’s hand.

  • Pitching 

  • Catching and blocking.


  • NO metal cleats. If non-metal cleats aren't available, tennis shoes should be worn. 

  • Bat sizing requirements

    • May not exceed 31” length (no drop requirements).

    • ASA, USA, USSSA are all allowed.

  • Both ears need to be covered by the helmet when hitting or catching.

  • Batting helmets must have a mask.

  • When outside the dugout, all batters must have a helmet on.

  • Face masks for pitcher and 1st base are required. It is strongly recommended that other infield positions have a mask, but it is not league required. 

  • 11” yellow optic ball will be used in all games.


  • Base distance - 60’

  • Pitcher’s rubber distance - 35’

  • Chalk lines at 11’ from each base for lead-offs.

Game Duration

  • Two 4-inning games played (unless home field team specifies one 7-inning game is necessary due to field restrictions like no lights at field)​

    • Play through a tie game until the game is won. Adjust for the second game as necessary. 

  • 5-run rule for an inning

  • Last inning is open to allow more than 5 runs.

  • 10-run rule after 3 innings

  • Last inning of 2nd game can be finished out by home team if they are ahead by runs and if both teams agree on it. The score does not change, but it allows for more reps for both teams. 

Offensive Play



  • Bunting is not allowed.

  • Slashing (when the batter shows bunt then pulls back and swings away) is not allowed. 

  • Slashing #1 = strike

  • Slashing #2 = out



  • Base-Running

  • Called (signaled) steals are not allowed. 

  • An 11’ lead off will be allowed once the ball leaves the pitcher’s hand. If a runner leaves the bag too early, the first offense is a warning. The second offense, the runner is called out.

  • Runners can steal 2nd and 3rd on pass balls only. Only 1 base stolen on a pass ball. 

    • ​Pass balls are pitches that roll outside of the batter’s box area weather blocked or not. If a catcher properly blocks a ball and it remains within either batter's box area, then it is a successful block and runners cannot advance. (VIDEO EXPLANATION)

  • If a coach is pitching because 4 balls have been reached, then no advancing on a pass balls is allowed.

  • Home is closed. This is includes pass balls and overthrows back to the pitcher. Runners on 3rd can only advance home off a hit or if a ball is overthrown at any base. 

  • Any play at home requires the runner to slide feet first. If no attempt to slide feet first, batter is automatically out. 

  • Runners MUST attempt to avoid contact with a defensive player at any base or home plate.



  • Every dressed player bats regardless if they are on the bench or in the game defensively. 

  • The batter must make an attempt to avoid the pitch. They cannot just let the ball hit them and be awarded a base. This is even if the ball hits the ground first prior to the batter. Please note that the umpire makes the final call.

  • If a batter is hit by a pitch, even if the ball hits the dirt first, the batter is considered Hit By Pitch and automatically advances to 1st. If a coach is pitching, a batter cannot advance to 1st on a HBP. 

Defensive Play



  • No more than 4 total innings in a night 

  • TOURNAMENT ONLY - a pitcher can pitch a total of 2 games.

  • A pitcher can return to the rubber once after being substituted out (but no more than 4 TOTAL innings).

  • Batter gets to 4 balls...

    • Coach of batting team will pitch balls at batter from the rubber; batter gets the remaining strikes to hit the ball in play or strikes out.

    • Batter can strike out looking from a coach. 

    • Coach will pitch from the same distance as players.


    • a pitcher can pitch a total of 2 games.

    • A pitcher can return to the rubber once after being substituted out (but no more than 8 TOTAL innings).

Dropped 3rd Strike


  • The dropped third strike rule does not apply

Infield fly rule


  • Infield fly rule does not apply



  • Play 10 players (4 outfielders)

  • Every player plays at least 2 innings defensively in a game. 

  • Fielders are never allowed to block a base or the plate without the ball.

© 2023 by Professionally Driven Productions

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